Saturday, 11 May 2013


So most people hate math or are afraid of it. And there's nothing wrong with that (actually I wish a few more people were afraid of it so my damn math class wouldn't be so big -_-)  But yeah I, admittedly, like math. Math, unlike most things in life, works out... probably not immediately, but in the end they always do. I guess I find some solace in that.. Plus apart from that philosophical view; I'm naturally good at it. Though I have a somewhat bad relationship with arithmetic (adding, subtracting, multiplying, dividing, counting) my logistics are pretty nice. And I like that feeling of finding something out, especially when it's challenging (same reason why I ADORE programming) so yeah I Like Math.

But here's the problem: I have an external math exam on Tuesday (its Saturday now btw unless I'm mistaken) and I'm here writing a blog post about me not preparing for that exam. WHY IS IT SO HARD TO PRACTICE SOMETHING YOU'RE GOOD AT??? It's like, I'm here with 10 yrs of past papers and my mind is like "meh it's MATH.... I'll just listen to music and talk to [insert girl's name(s) here]" and it's slowly pissing me off... at myself.

I mean I know that I'm nowhere near prepared for that exam (joint responsibility for that.. my teachers never finished that syllabus >__>) but yeah practice is something that can disregard all that. And I'm still here writing about not studying for it.....

Now For The Life Lesson Thing......

Its funny how knowing that you should do something is literally no guarantee that you'll actually do it. It's like this whole Christian Life (which I'm monumentally bad at in my own way... we all have our own way of being bad at Christianity); We all know exactly how we should act, behave, relate to people; and many times we don't even try. A disgrace really... 

And if you're not a Christian or religious in any way; still applies to you. You (we all) know your (our) responsibilities.But we actively shirk them anyways. 

And in the end ("the end" here applying to every situation... so having very far reaching implications for that christian life section I mentioned above) we are the ones who suffer for our active decision to disregard these duties, responsibilities, morals etc. 

So think about that for a bit.... while I try to prepare for that damn Math Test.


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