This post should have been about freedom or something like that since my exams are DONE. (fireworks, explosions, fanfare, stripper jumps out of the cake, other celebratory stuff) But as you must have noticed by now I NEVER end up writing what I plan to (you'll get used to it, I have). Somewhat rambling introduction; check.pas·sion [pash-uhn]
1. any powerful or compelling emotion or feeling, as love or hate.2. strong amorous feeling or desire; love; ardor.3. strong sexual desire; lust.4. an instance or experience of strong love or sexual desire.5. a person toward whom one feels strong love or sexual desire.
Now, and I don't mean to brag or anything this is all apart of the point I'm making, I'm a writer (poems, stories, working on a novel, plays, this blog), an artist (mainly graphic art, I draw a little), an actor, I can do a bit of public speaking and if I haven't forgotten anything I'm pretty smart too. Now all talent means when you're young is that you have potential. The people with potential are burdened by expectations: parents, other family, teachers, even friends expect you to make something of yourself. Of course they mean the best, but a burden is a burden. So when I was like 6 the answer to "What do you want to do when you get older?" The answer was "Teacher" and my mother all but beat that idea out of me. a few years later (about when I was 10) the answer was "Herpetologist". That died a natural death (still interested in reptiles though). For the first like 2 years of high school the answer was doctor (however that was before I had discovered any of the aforementioned talents other than being a smart kid.. so all this confusion started when I began this whole multitalented shit). In short, right now even though my spoken answer, and the answer on paper in the guidance councillor's office is that I want to be a Doctor, when the answer really is that I don't have a clue.
Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. ~ConfuciusI love that quote. However, this brings us to the topic, and the problem I have. I have no passion (umm, definition number 1 up there... would love to talk about the others.. but all things come with time). But really it all comes down to doing what you're passionate about. I have friends who know exactly what they want to be, people who are able to pour themselves into everything they do... and I admire them. Like my friend who will probably be my Member of Parliament in the future, or another friend who's poetry moves me more than she knows, another who has had too many ambitions (though she said she came up with her final answer).. All of them, and others, have discovered their passions and plan to follow them... Yet my talented ass is so ambitionless it's disgraceful.
I'll have to thank my friend who has more or less the same "lack of zeal" dilemma for reminding me of this at the time I would be least likely to think about it. But really and truly I think no matter how much we worry about this (and I worry about this a lot) It will work itself out. Passion isn't something that's forced. In fact, I think the more we try to force it, the more we worry, the harder it is to be realised.
Anyways I may have more to say on this topic but the sun is coming up and I hear birds outside.... haha gotta love being a night person.
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