Monday, 17 June 2013


Firstly this should've been written yesterday, but I'm a lazy bastard who was too caught up playing Pokémon. So yeah. But yes. Yesterday was Father's Day; a day which is marked to commemorate the (positive) impact of Fathers on their families. Thus, until I run out of things to say, I shall speak about my father.

My relationship with my parents sucks. No question or comment on that; and it's due to a lot of things which have culminated, not completely anyone's fault (if "fault" is even applicable here). So to be honest I don't have the best father-son relationship. In fact, my father and I as SOOO different it's almost comical. My father is a morning person. That is one of the most noted differences... considering that especially now, as it is Summer, I, the living creature of the night, go to bed when he's waking up. This of course causes some disagreement when he wakes me up 2 hours later to allocate some job/responsibility/chore... The harmony of nocturnal and diurnal creatures is difficult, especially when the diurnal one has the authority and right to give the nocturnal one jobs whilst the accursed ball of fire still scorches the skin and retinas of the beholders. There are other differences of course, including my fathers outdoorsmanship, his people skills, his initiative many of which I will talk about in time.

In April, on my father's birthday I told him that he has always been my role model. That statement is still applicable, and will never be annulled or voided. You see if you've ever read my poem "Mother" (yes, that is a link to it) you will probably come to the conclusion that if I were to have a favourite parent my father would probably have a better chance at that prestigious position. My father is a hardworking, diligent, man who cares about his family and has magnificent people skills (haha sounds like something that would go on a resume or recommendation or something..). That, however, is the kind of person who I want to become, though in many areas I seem to be severely lacking. Though somewhere inside me I've always considered my father a better man than I (on account of being married to my mother for 24 years... wow... 24 years), yet he's the one who's proud of me.

I legitimately don't know how my father does all that he does. Though he's labelled as "Incapable of saying 'No' " (a trait I do have some sign of having), it's through that trait I've seen how selfless a man should and can be. His long hours, work, more work, doing favours, catching up on work due to favours he did, jobs around the house... In some respect my childhood has been quite work free because of everything that he does (so I can't really quarrel about the few jobs I do get... though I will still wait till 1am to do the dishes). His dedication to providing for his family (I've seen him give me his last few dollars to allow me to go somewhere, enjoy something, or simply go to school). Selfless. Responsible.

There aren't many bad things about him. He's a bit patronizing at times, maybe a bit formal, I have memories of him referring to me by my entire first name for most of my childhood (just know I have a pretty long first name),but I think that's it. My father is the Understanding Parent though. He's the one with at least some amount of levelheadedness. (Sentimentality is a trait I share with my mother...) He's almost always calm, dealing with whatever has to be dealt with in a very adult manner... Actually, I think my father has tried the most to create some kind of relationship with me (I'm the one who kinda shrugs it off) and for many reasons I hope my children are more open than I am (needa find a WOIFE wit' dose characteristics) so that even if I'm half the father mine is, I can have a better relationship than exists between mine and I.

Even in my childhood, many of the best memories are with him. GEO TEACHERS HAVE THE BEST FIELD TRIPS, and back then he'd take me off school to go with him. I guess through all the travelling with him I was guaranteed a life free of any motion sicknesses (WOO!!) plus a love of the world around me on a whole (maybe that's why I'm so science oriented).in his youth he played an instrument, he drew, he acted... So maybe my artistic side came from him too... Haha ain't that a
bitch, I'm probably more like him than I realise (which is a pretty happy thought)...

But, and I think most importantly, my father is here. It's really a blessing to have both parents growing up (...) and it's one I think I've overlooked many times. However, when I see how many of my friends and other people I associate with don't have this privilege, especially with the precedence of single mothers these days. I am EXTREMELY blessed to have the man who is my my father as my father.

So Daddy, I raise my glass of your liquor, which I have so often stolen out of the cupboard, to you.
Thank You, and even though I'm not that versed at expressing it, I do love you.

Your Firstborn




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