Saturday, 13 July 2013

The Friendzone, Love, and the FB messenger app: A Converation....

So this Thursday I had a conversation with a reaaally good (female) friend of mine and eventually we started talking about a lot of things..  Due to my other blogger friend's previous post showing the answers when had gotten from the question "What is Love?" from different people I felt like sharing this convo... so here it is. I'm basically going to start at a very awkward place... just for the medshellment.

DISCLAIMER: These here are the views of me here at and may have material which offends anyone who is against the concept of "Love" or religious (specifically Christian) views... Unfortunately I cannot apologise for these neither do I feel the need to. Oh, also there are A LOT of typos, and this is a good part of a 6hr convo. IT.IS.LONG. so read at your own risk and I am not responsible for any time wasted. I just felt like sharing it. (and this whole DISCLAIMER thing is from a joke that's somewhere in the middle of this convo.... )

And if friends can't switch from a serious 2+ hr convo to one about android apps then I don't know what friendship is....

As Usual
- me

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